Axxanol Spray-G

For superior corrosion protection in a sprayable grease, use Zerust®/Excor® Axxanol Spray-G. It protects in extreme conditions, such as during outdoor storage and overseas shipping.
19 litres and 208 litres
Protection Types:
Ferrous and non-ferrous multiple metal type corrosion protection capability.
Protection Life:
When properly spray applied, Spray-G will protect metals for up to 1 year outdoors and up to 2 years under shelter.
How To Use
Wear correct protective gear and gloves. Start with a clean and dry part.

Coat the part evenly on all surfaces by immersing, spraying or brushing on coating.

Brush, Roller or Wipe on

Drip or hang-dry part until no dripping liquid is noted.
Keep your part clean and rust free in shipping or storage with additional protection from Zerust VCI Packaging products.