Axxanol 33CD

Zerust Axxanol 33CD is a solvent-based rust preventive coating that dries to the touch; eliminating oily surfaces that can attract dust and contaminants. This coating protects up to three months under shelter or can be used with VCI packaging for long-term protection.
35 litres and 210 litres
Metal Types:
Protects ferrous and some non-ferrous metals including iron, steel, aluminium, zinc and copper.
Shelf life of 2 years if stored in original container at 85° F or less and out of direct sunlight.
How To Use
Wear correct protective gear and gloves. Start with a clean and dry part.

Coat the part evenly on all surfaces by immersing, spraying or brushing on coating.

Brush, Roller or Wipe on

Drip or hang-dry part until no dripping liquid is noted.
Keep your part clean and rust free in shipping or storage with additional protection from Zerust VCI Packaging products.